Friday, January 11, 2013

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the four Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome. Its construction was ordered by Pope Liberio who – they say – on August 5th 356 saw the Virgin Mary in his dreams. She indicated him where to construct the church through a snow fall that happened on the Esquilino Hill (this is the reason why the church is also called by the second name of Saint Mary “ad Nives”, of the Snows). It seems, however, that the actual Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica was built under Sisto III who erected it and dedicated it to Mary’s motherhood, just after the Council of Efeso in 431.

Under the high altar of the basilica is the Crypt of the Nativity or Bethlehem Crypt, with a crystal reliquary is said to contain wood from the Holy Crib of the nativity of Jesus Christ.

The 5th-century mosaics on either side of the nave depict scenes from the Old Testament.

The Apse mosaic
The coronation of the Virgin with angels, saints, Pope Nicolas IV and Cardinal Colonna. Apse mosaic in Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, by Jacopo Torriti (1295), with parts from the original mosaic (5th century).

Kneeling statue of Pope Pius IX

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