Wednesday, January 9, 2013


One the first night Juline and Eddie found the best cup of Hot Chocolate ever! 

It was seriously like a melted candy bar....the sad news is they never found one again to live up to it;s standards.

Yummy dinner!!!

We all became addicted to Italian food.  The boys were into learning how to make the best olive oil, while the girls were on a quest to find the perfect lasagna.  I think we had lasagna for almost every meal in Rome...lunch and dinner at least.  I believe the secret to a good Italian lasagna is a thick white sauce called "besciamella" and it is used along with layers of fresh egg pasta (in sheets) and meat sauce (made with braised meat, not ground hamburger-type meat).

Oh yes.....and who can skip a gelato??  Our advice...never walk by a gelato store without getting a scoop or never know when you will have the absolute best!!! Gelato in Italy must have at least 3.5% butterfat....and that is the secret!!!!

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