Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

Breaking news: There have been a number of tornadoes in unusual parts of the world in the last couple of months. One of the most unusual struck Italian city of Taranto on November 28, 2012.

Yes, that would be why our plane was delayed out of England.

We even hit a huge hail storm on the way to the hotel. We thought it was going to come right through the roof of the cab. I do not know what was scarier the rain and hail or the simple fact that driving down the streets of Rome was sooo different. The cars are all itty-bitty. However, our cab was a van. I was sitting in the front so it felt like we were going to drive right over the top of all of these ant like vehicles.

Luckily, I read the weather reports before we left so I knew we were expecting three lovely days of rain.
So we bundled in our raincoats and grabbed the umbrellas and went for a walk around Rome.

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